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PRESS: 305HipHop.com Interviews K-OTIC

You might remember K-Otic from our last interview with him with his fellow DSI members. Since then, K-Otic has focused more on production and it has led him to more places as he's already seeing dividends from sales. K-Otic chops it up with us about DSI, his production, and projects he's worked on since our last sit down.

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K-Otic : Rapper / Producer from Miami Gets Ready To Release "I Use To Want Her"

You might remember K-Otic from our last interview with him with his fellow DSI members. Since then, K-Otic has focused more on production and it has led him to more places as he's already seeing dividends from sales. K-Otic chops it up with us about DSI, his production, and projects he's worked on since our last sit down.

What they do K-OTIC? It's been a minute since our last interview.
Yes it has. Its been a while but it's been a productive few years since our last interview. Thanks for having me.

Last time we chopped it up you were with Baysiqly and E.R. What happened? No more DSI?
In regards to E.R. & Baysiqly there are several reasons why we are no longer working together. Lack of focus, lack of a clear common goal & communication, but the biggest reason is that we let people outside of DSI split us up. We allowed those around us to separate us. In regards to DSI, DSI will always live through our music. We were just the faces of DSI, DSI was and is just more than the 3 of us. There are people who were not on the mixtape covers but are either the originating members of DSI or those who represent DSI, they still represent DSI to this day b/c we represented them. A little over a month ago I was at a get together in Brickell and the host played a few cuts from our Southern Breed Mixtape w/ DJ 2nen from back in 2005.

You think you'll ever come back together?
That's a good question you know. In all honesty people think that I have such hatred towards them and that there is some sort of competition between us. I will always have love for them as my brothers. We know each others fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. I will always be supportive of what they are trying to do with their lives. They know this because I've told them personally. In regards to music, only if it's the right situation. Music is big enough to crush the biggest of ego's, cross the biggest of boundaries. I have developed a whole new style, a whole new sound and identity of my own so it would have to be right. It would have to be the right situation under the right terms and with the right vision.

So I heard you're producing music. When did you start doing that?
It's funny that you ask because a lot of people who don't know me personally were shocked when they found out I could produce. I've been making beats since 2003. Making beats and producing are to complete different things so what I consider my first production would be the K-OTIC & Baysiqly "Throw It Up"(http://bit.ly/aMZYXf) record, so I would say 2005. I've always had an ear for what sounds good with what and my knowledge on how to produce has grown over the last several years. Last year I started my own production & marketing company titled I Am A Brand Media Group and so far its been a blessing from the Lord. Since I've began my production company, my production has taken me all across the country. I'm producing records for artist out here in Miami, Atlanta & New York and have a few records out in Detroit & Chicago. I could honestly say that I am expecting a decent royalty check from BMI when it is cut on the 28th of March next year. The biggest record I've produced since creating I Am A Brand Media Group has been L.E.S.G.O. Entertainment's Da Bomb "We Grind'N"(http://bit.ly/dlHnwV) record, the response has been insane and support for the record is still growing.

Yea I watched that video. Tell us a little about that project.
Yes sir the video can be seen here(http://bit.ly/dlHnwV). That was a blessing from the Lord himself. I do a lot of scouting and networking online so I ran across Papi Shank's myspace page back in the beginning of 2009. I saw the talent not only he had but I saw the talent of the whole label, from Melo-D to Vision Da God to CheRyl "Miss Sex Appeal" & SupremO. I saw the song writing talent and even bigger than that I saw the hunger and the willingness to promote them selves and market themselves the right way. I contacted them via Myspace informed them of my background and my interest in working with them, I sent them about 10 records as soon as I got a response back and they choose 4 of the records one of them being the "We Grind'N" record. "We Grind'N" is one of those records where as a producer and as a songwriter, you know it's a guaranteed hit once you hear it. Once I heard the record when it was completed I was on board. The crazy thing about it is that before we officially released the record up in NY & out here in Florida the record was already getting radio play and being spun in the club which I credit from the way we approached marketing the record. The video was shot and released Labor Day weekend up in NY and then online world wide and it is already catching on. We currently have a campaign where we are trying to get it played regular on Telemundo(http://bit.ly/cFQDb3). It wont stop there because the time and the energy investing in this record is guaranteed to take the record further. Don't be surprised if you hear and see more of this record in the future, We Grind'N man.

What other projects can we find some of your production?
I work with any and every artist who takes their craft serious and is willing to grind out a record. I make a lot of records for the radio, real pop, real electronic, a lot of energy but space enough where the artist or song writer can be free. With that said I currently have 2 songs produced on 20 Mile's Kings Of Southern Pop EP, a pop group based out of Atlanta. The songs are titled "I'm Free" & "Late Night" which you can check out here(http://bit.ly/aWL211). I have a song currently getting radio play in Detroit with one of Detroit's most talented artist Tye Nitty. The record is called "DJ 101"(http://bit.ly/bEkmtn) where we pay homage to all of the DJ's worldwide. A lot of people heard of Miami's own Layce, one of the cities biggest grinders. We have a record called "Get Up N Go"(http://bit.ly/b8uUxX) I produced which is on his 305 to 713 mixtape he collaborated on with Chingo Bling earlier in the year & Atlanta's .dot Gatsby's Ringtone Rapper which was locally released earlier this year as well, you can watch the video here(http://bit.ly/a2uqOc). Right now I'm working on a project with Yard Style which is my team down here in Miami. Look out for Be Friends, that is a huge record that will be dropping soon. I'm also working with my Atlanta team 20 Mile on their LP dropping 1st quarter of next year.

Have you stopped rapping or are you doing both?
Rapping is my first love so I will never stop rapping. I'm still on a few records and I do tons of song writing. I have a record called I Use To Want Her which I will be releasing very shortly, I am currently coming up with a marketing plan and a release plan for this record, however producing and marketing are currently my main focus when it comes to music. There is always room for improvement even when you are at your best you've ever been and even when you achieved the most you've ever achieved, I am no where close to where I want to be production wise.

Where can people follow you and stay updated with what you have going on?
www.itskotic.com is my home. That's where I release everything, beats, snippets, downloads, updates, blogs, photo's, videos, you name it, it is there. Besides that, you have www.twitter.com/itskotic www.facebook.com/itskotic www.youtube.com/itskotic www.myspace.com/itskotic and www.reverbnation.com/itskotic. itsKOTIC everything.

If someone wanted to holla at you for a feature how should they go about it?
The easiest way to contact me for production or for a feature would be via email at itskotic@gmail.com. I am constantly checking my email several times in the day even when I'm in the studio. You can always reach me via Black Berry Messenger pin # 30E0B077 should it be something quick and sweet. Those are the two best ways to reach me although twitter is also a good way to get a hold of me since I'm on twitter a whole lot more than facebook, myspace and youtube.

K-OTIC, I appreciate you doing this for us. Any last words before you go?
Actually I appreciate you guys having me so one love to 305hiphop.com. A special shoutout to my family & everybody who knows me personally and has been supporting me and just showing love, there's to many to name but I appreciate you all. Peace to the M.I.A.T.L. movement. One love to Yardstyle, 20 Mile Entertainment LLC, Ryan Lewis for Ryan Lewis Associates & the homie J. Illie. Shoutsout L.E.S.G.O. Entertainment, and make sure you download Da Bomb We Grind'N via iTunes(http://bit.ly/drervt). Download 20 Mile Kings Of Southern Pop Ep now(http://bit.ly/aWL211). Last but definitely not least, one love to all the DJ's and blogs who've been supporting our records, I'm forever grateful. Make sure you check me out at www.itskotic.com. Peace and love, God bless.

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